
  • Last week’s meeting – Print competition No. 1 with judge Peter Cox    Unfortunately Les had Covid so he could not do his magic with projecting the images on the screen. Hope he is feeling much better. The new print stand was not available due to a last-minute mishap in my back garden on Sunday!



  • Last week’s meeting – Interesting Stuff with Justin Minns  And interesting stuff it was. He structured his talk around the Jim Richardson famous quote: “If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.” However the photographer that has had most influence upon is Joe McNally after his wife had bought Justin one of McNally’s books, and this transformed his approach to photography.



  • Next week, Tuesday 24 October, is our first Print Competition 1. Please upload your digital images of your prints to Photo Contest Pro, deadline is midnight this coming Saturday. Two colour, two monochrome



  • This Tuesday please bring four of your images for evaluation and review by fellow members. Competition coming up soon: Tuesday 24 October: Print Competition 1. Please start selecting and printing your entries.



  • Competition coming up soon: Tuesday 24 October – Print Competition 1 Carmelina is looking for a photographer to take some pictures at a 70th birthday in central Oxford on Sunday 3rd December at lunchtime. See more below.



  • Last week’s meeting – JP Stone: Story Telling for the Photographer JP Stone is a British-born photographer who, for the past eight years, has been living and working in Mexico. He was ‘zooming’ into a chilly autumnal Band Hall from the sweltering heat of Sayulita on the Mexican Pacific coast.



  • For someone who left school as soon as he could with little or no qualifications, Craig had the air of a philosopher in terms of his photographer. He saw an approach to photography as more important than the end product. His attitude to his subject matter – wildlife – was equally philosophical. Ethics and respect were his guiding principles: nature needs our love was his mantra.



  • Last week’s meeting – Pete Warrington: Nipping into black and white infra-red, Oxford, Headington and up up and away in a beautiful balloon



  • I hope you have all had a good break and have many photographs to share for our new season. If you have visited the website you will see that Keith has done a great deal of work and it is an impressive job at transforming it. Les has also prepared a varied and stimulating programme for us all.



  • Mark is a highly successful award-winning sports photographer and he started his talk with a slide show set to music which featured some of his favourite shots.



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Oxford Photographic Society