OPS Weekly Newsletter 1 October

OPS Weekly Newsletter 1 October

  • Competition coming up soon: Tuesday 24 October – Print Competition 1
  • Carmelina is looking for a photographer to take some pictures at a 70th birthday in central Oxford on Sunday 3rd December at lunchtime. See more below.

  1. Last week’s meeting – Take 5

We had an excellent evening looking at members’ images and putting down our scores. Twenty members put in 5 images each and 17 people in the room voted on each image.

For those who missed it, or those who would like to see the images again here are all the images (you will need to log-in to the website): http://oxfordphotosociety.co.uk/take-5/wppaspec/oc1/lnen/cv0/ab5

The winner of Take 5 was: Helen Webb.

Congratulations to Helen and to everyone that made it such an enjoyable evening. Here are the final results in the order of the images were shown.

  1. Dave Stroud: 253*
  2. Dave Atkinson: 290*
  3. Helen Webb: 319*
  4. Adrian Cubitt: 254
  5. Ron Perkins: 269*
  6. Jill Bain: 194*
  7. John Boteler: 236
  8. Rob Ferrands: 189
  9. Pete Warrington: 237
  10. Dave McKay: 229*
  11. Steve Field: 231*
  12. William Hall: 274
  13. Phil Joyce: 305*
  14. Phil Warrington: 260
  15. Sandra Devaney: 294
  16. Keith Worthington: 306
  17. Alan Lewis: 309*
  18. Dave Belcher: 314
  19. Les Gordon: 246
  20. Ian Bray: 279

*Those members marked with asterisks were not in the room to score, therefore their totals were adjusted using the formula: total score divided by 17 (number of people scoring) multiplied by 16 (number of people scoring minus 1) and adding 25 (score each photographer allocated to their own images). Each of these score was rounded up to the nearest whole number.

  1. This coming meeting: Digital Image Competition 1.

Judge Eddy Lane

  1. Upcoming meetings in October


Tuesday 10 October: Club Night

Members to judge – groups of 4/6 per table.

Organised by Helen Webb. Members to bring 4 images per/person for evaluation and review.

Tuesday 17 October: Interesting Stuff with Justin Minns

Justin Minns is an award-winning professional landscape photographer, best known for atmospheric images of East Anglia

“The thrill of watching the first light of the day creep over the frozen stillness of a wintry landscape, while the air and my fingers tingle with the cold, and the challenge of capturing the atmosphere of moments like this is what it is all about.”

A quest to find interesting subjects to photograph is one of the things that keeps me motivated, the question is what makes an interesting photograph, the subject or the photographer?


Tuesday 24 October: Print Competition 1

Judge is Peter Cox

Our first Print Competition of the season

Tuesday 30 October: Studio Lighting with Tony McMaster of Camera Club Live

Tony runs a You Tube channel Camera Club Live which has ovcer 14,000 subscribers. See this channel here:https://www.youtube.com/c/cameraclublive


  1. Photographer wanted

Former member Carmelina is looking for a photographer. Please see her message below:

We are looking for a photographer to take some pictures at a 70th birthday in central Oxford on Sunday 3rd December at lunchtime, about 12-1pm.  There are 14 family guests and we would like access to the pictures or prints to be available. If anyone is interested or knows someone they could recommend please get them to contact me with a quote or to discuss further details.


  1. General photographic interest

‘I try to photograph the unseen’: Michael Kenna on 50 years of shooting breathtaking landscapes

A new book celebrates half a century of work by the landmark English photographer, who has captured everything from factories to shrines in stunning black-and-white images


Lens flair: the 2023 Bowness photography prize – in pictures

Anne Zahalka has won the 2023 William and Winifred Bowness photography prize for her work Kunstkammer, which references the trompe l’oeil (trick of the eye) painting technique to replicate the artists’s studio. Here is a selection of works from other finalists in the Museum of Australian Photography’s prestigious annual survey


‘Our world is beautiful’: winners of the largest annual photo competition

The 10 winning images from 509,612 entries have been announced by photo printing firm Cewe. A winner has been chosen from each of the 10 categories all celebrating the ‘Our world is beautiful’ theme


Interview: Ci Demi on the quiet tension of the urban landscape

Ci Demi has spent most of the past decade discovering how to document the life and landscapes of his home city, Istanbul, and has developed a unique pastel street style that is at once both comforting and unsettling.


Nikon Photo Contest Winners 2022-2023

Nikon recently announced the winners of its annual Nikon Photo Contest for 2022-2023. Running for over 50 years, the global photo contest sees entries from creators across the globe. In this year’s competition, Nikon received over 70,000 image submissions from more than 35,000 entrants from over 180 countries.



Ground Squirrel by Helen Webb.
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Oxford Photographic Society