OPS Weekly Newsletter 11 February 2024

OPS Weekly Newsletter 11 February 2024


  • Our second exhibition at the Central Library in the Westgate shopping centre will run from 19 February for three weeks. The theme is My Oxford. If you haven’t already handed in your entries please bring them, bagged to avoid scratches, to the club meetings on 13 Feb. Don’t forget to label your prints as instructed in Les’s email repeated below.


  1. Last meeting – “The Art of Paper Selection” with Colin Hurley from Permajet


Colin, who works for the Imaging Warehouse, gave us some expert advice and tips on selecting the right paper for our images. He caveated this by saying there really is no ‘right’ paper, all does depend on what you are wanting to convey with your printed image, the look and the feel you want.


A question he is usually asked is “Why are my prints too dark?” This is nearly always due to the fact your screen is too bright. Most screen calibration sets the screen brightness far too high, usually 120 cd/m2 (candelas per square metre). This is far too bright and should be set to between 80-90 cd/m2. You should also draw your curtains in the room you are editing and not have the light on. Also use a monitor hood.


He then went through the large array of papers he had brought with him. The different base tints the paper have, the different surfaces, Gloss, Lustre, Matt, Mattalic etc. He gave tips of the problems with curvature of some papers, especially if you are printing with a ‘legacy’ printer.


If you want to know everything about the Permajet papers and how they differ and what they can do for your prints then download “The Knowledge Vol 1: The Art of Paper Selection” here. This will take you through the different papers from the less expensive Digital Photo range through to the Fibre Based and Fine Art range. It is full of very good advice.


He printed off some images members had brought in. For those who didn’t bring in images he said he would print off on A4 sized paper of an image sent to him via We Transfer. Image needs to be 300 dpi. Also make sure you include your full postal address and paper choices for your image or ask Colin to choose. He will print out for free and send them back to you to evaluate.


A very interesting evening which shone a light on that mysterious world of digital printing.


  1. Next week’s meeting Tuesday 13 February: A passage to India and Brazil. Sandra Devaney’s visit to India and Linda Wride’s trip to Brazil

In the first half Sandra will present her street/documentary images from her recent visit to India and in the second half Linda, who has only arrived back in the UK on 29 January from her trip to Brazil, will be showing her architectural images.


Many thanks to both for stepping in at such short notice.


  1. Upcoming meetings in February and March


Tuesday 20 February: “Street Photography My Way” with Peter Crane

Peter Crane’s talk is a dpi lecture entitled ‘Street Photography My Way’, it’s where he take you into his world of Street Photography, covering in particular the various techniques, tips and the equipment he uses – Seeing and catching moments in time that thew OPS club members will hopefully relate to.


Tuesday 27 February: Rosebowl Competition Via Zoom – Hosted by OPS

Round 3 with Oxford PS, Wantage CC, Croxley CC and Harrow CC.


Tuesday 5 March: Print Competition No. 2

Judge will be Kevin Day


Tuesday 12 March: ZOOM Presentation – Phil Savoie with his talk  “The Principles of Photography talk”


Phil Savoie talk is geared to inform everyone from the seasoned pro to beginners.


The talk contains a significant chapter on Astrophotography. He will address the often overlooked topics covered in Principles of Photography.


A bit about Peter: My passion for photography and fascination with the natural world began at a young age.  As luck would have it I was invited to join the BBC Natural History Unit in 1994, for a curious, photography obsessed, field biologist this was a dream come true.  Revealing our natural world with camera and pen I was able to author films as well as contribute to projects large and small.  And experience the rarified thrill of hearing Sir David Attenborough eloquently describe my pictures on telly. Natural History Unit assignments allowed me to explore the jungles of the Amazon, Congo and Papua New Guinea as well as reveal the surprising hidden nature on our doorsteps.  Without question, the best job on the planet.  As the first self-shooting staff filmmaker I’m privileged to have my work included on a range of projects including Planet Earth, Life of Mammals, Deep Jungle, Congo, Wild Africa, Life in the Undergrowth, and the Natural World series. Honored with BAFTA, EMMY and CINE noms & nods including Outstanding Individual Achievement in Cinematography from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.  My still photography is published worldwide and has been recognized by the British Wildlife Photographer of the Year.  I’m a freelance camera slinger now with the same fire in the belly as when I started.  From early days picture editing National Geographic staff in New York to the pre-production task of testing the lenses and cameras used for Planet Earth.  I’ve taught film/photography as a University professor, hosted workshops and lead tours for over twenty years.  I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology/Ecology, a Master of Science in Photography and a Master of Fine Arts in Film.  Photography and curiosity are everything.  And for the past 25 years you’ll find me in the lush green Welsh valleys I call home, camera in hand chasing swallows, bumblebees and the Milky Way.


19 March: Best Use of Light

Judged by our very own Phil Joyce


  1. Exhibition at the central Library, Westgate, Oxford

You would have received Les’s email. Here it is again:

As advised the next exhibition is from Monday 19th Feb for the set up and Monday 11th March for the take down.


The theme selected for this exhibition is : “Everything to do with Oxford”


Thank you to all the members who wrote to me with their choice for their preferred exhibition Theme, Unfortunately we had so few people in any one category that i think to make this work we need to have a wider remit so a lot more people can join in.


Can those members who plan to exhibit please e-mail me so that i can get an idea of numbers and the amount of space we need. Ideally we would want 40 prints


I was sent this information from Ian from a past member “Terry Lee” who had the job of Exhibition Secretary for OPS in the past and there is some really useful information which you may find help full.


I have used Terry Lee’s e-mail and his word document about Brooks and amended it where necessary


Mounts please use White Boards 50 x 40


Prints: They can be colour or monochrome and any size or shape but most members opt for A3 or A4.  If you haven’t got a decent printer, I could recommend Brookes Print at Brookes University (www.brookes.ac.uk/brookes-print (see attachment for details).  Also online printers DSColour (www.dscolourlabs.co.uk) are good but be sure to read their recommendations with respect to file size, colour profile etc before submitting your image.  Another online printer, Photobox (www.photobox.co.uk), has also received acclaim by several members.


DIY Label (see attachment). In Word, type out your picture title (UPPER CASE) and name (lower case) in Arial, Bold, size 12 font, centre text.  If you have a personal photography website this can also be included as Arial, Bold, size 10 font, centre text, underlined in blue.  Print and cut to size.  Fold around the bottom right-hand corner of the mount at 45 degrees to the corner and attach each end on the reverse side with sellotape. See image for reference:



Feb 06th – final date for notifying me that you will be submitting 2 pictures.  Bring your picture(s), bagged to avoid scratches, to the club meetings on Feb 13th or drop them into the Library.

This is a wonderful opportunity to show the world (well, Oxford anyway) what a fine bunch of photographers we all are (!) – don’t miss out!


We look forward to receiving your pictures.


  1. Photo themed events in Oxford


Eco-Friendly Photo Developers OVADA

Learn how to use plant-based chemicals to make your own eco-friendly photography developers.

10-1pm/Standard Cost: £75 / Pay Less: £60 / Pay more: £90/Sat 24th Feb 24 OVADA Warehouse14A Osney Lane Oxford


Chemigrams with Sally Gunnett OVADA

Learn about an alternative photographic technique that uses household substances to create images.

2-5pm/£37.50 – £62.50/Sat 24th Feb 24 OVADA Warehouse14A Osney Lane Oxford


Launch Event | Elena Gallina, Çiknia jonë: Our Girlhood Rhodes Trust

Explore the Kosovar practice of collecting and trading paper napkins at this photography exhibition.

6:30pm/Free/Thu 29th Feb 24Rhodes House South Parks Road Oxford


Bluebell photography course

Capture spring’s stunning display of colours whilst exploring the Arboretum. Learn various methods to photograph trees, plants and views with your own camera

10.30am – 1pm/£50/Sat 4th May 24 Harcourt Arboretum Nuneham Courtenay


Meadow photography course

Capture our wonderful meadow in bloom in the summer whilst exploring the Arboretum. Learn various methods to photograph trees, plants and views with your own camera

10.30am – 1pm/£50/Sat 15th Jun 24Harcourt Arboretum Nuneham Courtenay


Natural Photography Workshop

Leave the cameras at home and try a photography workshop with a difference. Create your own beautiful prints from plants and explore a new experimental photographic technique that references Sir John Frederick William Herschel’s discoveries in the 1800s

10.30am – 2.30pm/£50/Wed 3rd Jul 24. Harcourt Arboretum Nuneham Courtenay


  1. Photo exhibitions further afield


Best photography exhibitions to see in 2024

One of the best ways to gain inspiration for your photography and exploring different styles is by experiencing and viewing the work of other photographers and artists. We’ve put together a selection of the best exhibitions on around the UK during 2024 to see photography; including exhibitions that present photographs alongside other disciplines.


Below, you’ll find the information you need including dates, location and ticket details to plan your trips.



  1. General photographic interest

Remember Barry Lewis’s talk some weeks ago…

‘They ask only not to be forgotten’: Barry Lewis’s heartbreaking portraits of the Soviet Union’s gulag survivors

Taken in 1991, during the glasnost era, these extraordinary photographs are a powerful reminder of one of the darkest periods in Soviet history



The big picture: Bert Hardy’s portrait of striking Chinese seamen in 1940s Liverpool

The Picture Post photographer’s unpublished image, included in a new retrospective of his work, captures an equal pay protest that led to deportations



‘I photographed the world’: the art of Sebastião Salgado – in pictures

As the photographer turns 80, we look back as some of his most striking images from around the world. A selection of his work can be seen at Flowers Gallery, Cork Street, London, 16 March to 15 April



BPPA press photographer of the year 2023 – in pictures

A selection of winning and commended images across nine categories from the BPPA’s fourth annual press photography competition, where photographers are judged by their fellow image makers. Oli Scarff has been named as the press photographer of the year for 2023



Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award winner

A stunning image of a young polar bear drifting to sleep on an iceberg, by British amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani, has won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award.



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Oxford Photographic Society