Ron does it again – third year in a row he is winner of BDS Deer Photographer of the Year

Congratulations to Ron Perkins for winning BDS Deer Photographer of the Year 2020 with his stunning shot of a roe deer in full flight – literally – from a rival. Ron says:


“For the last 2 years I have won 1st Place and the title BDS Deer Photographer of the Year in the British Deer Society’s annual photographic competition.  I am pleased to report that I have won 1st place in the 2020 competition and retain the title.  The shot was taken on farmland about 1.5 miles from my former house near Oxford.


I was particularly pleased by the comments of the Chairman of the panel of competition judges, professional wildlife photographer Neil MacIntyre:


‘Anticipation is a key element in wildlife photography and being able to react quickly to a changing situation is another, Ron admirably shows both of these attributes, never mind the technical skill to achieve an amazing shot like this. A fleeting dramatic moment between these two roe bucks must have been a heart pounding moment and Ron’s wonderful image capture it to perfection’.”

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Oxford Photographic Society