
  • This Tuesday please bring four of your images for evaluation and review by fellow members. Competition coming up soon: Tuesday 24 October: Print Competition 1. Please start selecting and printing your entries.



  • Competition coming up soon: Tuesday 24 October – Print Competition 1 Carmelina is looking for a photographer to take some pictures at a 70th birthday in central Oxford on Sunday 3rd December at lunchtime. See more below.



  • Last week’s meeting – JP Stone: Story Telling for the Photographer JP Stone is a British-born photographer who, for the past eight years, has been living and working in Mexico. He was ‘zooming’ into a chilly autumnal Band Hall from the sweltering heat of Sayulita on the Mexican Pacific coast.



  • For someone who left school as soon as he could with little or no qualifications, Craig had the air of a philosopher in terms of his photographer. He saw an approach to photography as more important than the end product. His attitude to his subject matter – wildlife – was equally philosophical. Ethics and respect were his guiding principles: nature needs our love was his mantra.



  • Last week’s meeting – Pete Warrington: Nipping into black and white infra-red, Oxford, Headington and up up and away in a beautiful balloon



  • I hope you have all had a good break and have many photographs to share for our new season. If you have visited the website you will see that Keith has done a great deal of work and it is an impressive job at transforming it. Les has also prepared a varied and stimulating programme for us all.



  • Mark is a highly successful award-winning sports photographer and he started his talk with a slide show set to music which featured some of his favourite shots.



  • Dave started his talk with superb shots of birds: owls, gannets fighting over food, ospreys lifting off the water with a catch, Olly the cuckoo at a secret location near Guildford (first sighting of a cuckoo this season!), a magnificent sea eagle, snowy owl, a group of oyster catchers perfectly composed, puffins from Skomer Island, and more.



  • Chris’s talk was a refreshing counter to those tired old camera club commandments that get trotted out on a regular basis.



  • Joe gave us a quick run-down of Lightroom 12.2 and some of the tools he would be using.



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Oxford Photographic Society