OPS Weekly Newsletter 30 August 2024



  • Our new season starts the Tuesday 3 September with a presentation by Juliana – Life in Brazil’s Amazon Forest in the first half and a ‘show and tell’ in the second half. Please bring your images on the usb stick if you want take part in the ‘show and tell’
  • Please share on your social media accounts the attached poster for Juliana’s talk
  • Do start selecting your entries to our first Projected Digital Image competition which takes place on 17 September
  • Also do start selecting your entries for Take 5 which takes place on 1 October
  • And don’t forget to pay your subscriptions for the coming season


  1. Next week’s meeting Tues 3 September at 19.30: Juliana Cassab Life in Brazil’s Amazon Forest.


Let’s embark on a quick journey into the Amazon Forest, having a glimpse of the beauty of this remarkable ecosystem. Through Juliana photographs done in 2005, we’ll explore various aspects of life in the Amazon – from local communities and Indigenous people to the rich biodiversity of plants and animals. We’ll also delve into Manaus, a city of contrasts where history intertwines with modernity, shedding light on the disparities present in Brazilian society.

We’ll experience a bit of the essence of the Amazon and encourage reflection on the importance of conservation and equity in shaping our world.


The second half of the evening will be a ‘Show and Tell’ giving club members an opportunity to share and discuss some of their recent images. Please bring your images on the usb stick if you want take part in the ‘Show and Tell’


  1. Upcoming meetings in September


Tues 10 September 19.30: Roger Hance FRPS – People, Portraits and Photojournalism (via Zoom)


In this talk Roger show a range of ‘People Pictures’. The images will cover candid’s, photojournalism, as well as studio and available light portraits. He explains, as well as giving examples, why some subjects can work in colour, while others can be considerably improved by converting to monochrome.

Rodger shows some of the best places in the UK to go for ‘people pictures’: Speakers Corner, Brick Lane, Tate Modern, Blist Hill Victorian Village, The Black Country Museum, The Beamish Museum, 1940’s weekends, Tough Guy event, and the Victory Show. He also covers working in a studio with flash and show how to take pictures at Live Rock events and explain how to take candid pictures without people noticing you.


Tues 17 September 19.30: Projected Digital Image Competition No. 1 – judge will be Chris Forster FBPE DPAGB MFIAP ARPS

Our first Projected Digital Image (PDI) competition of the season. Upload your entries at the Photo Contest Pro website. Details about are here https://oxfordphotosociety.co.uk/dpi-competition-entries/


Tues 24 September 19.30: Camera Gear with Gareth manager of Oxford branch of the London Camera Exchange

Gareth will bring along various camera gear and talk through what they do and how to use them. Members will have the chance to have a go at using the gear



  1. Annual Subscriptions

You would have received an email from Keith on 8 August giving details about your annual subscription. In case you’ve mislaid it here it is again:




I trust everyone is getting out and about and looking forward to the new OPS season in the Silver Band Hall.


With the programme starting on 3rd September, we would appreciate your commitment by paying your annual subscription.


You can do this via the website at https://oxfordphotosociety.co.uk/annual-subsciption/ or directly to our bank account using the details below.


Subscription details for the coming season reflect changes that were proposed and accepted at the AGM and are as follows: –

  • Full annual membership £55.00
  • Joint membership £100.00

For those of you who are associate members because you have moved away from the area, please email me if you wish to continue. The annual cost is £30. Please note if you are an associate you can attend three meetings per year for which you will be required to pay the visitors fee. . This year’s “visitors fee” will be £5.

Early membership payment is appreciated and will be accepted now. This can be done in the following ways.

  1. Payment directly to the club’s bank account for online bankers is always appreciated. The details for this are:


Bank.                    – Barclays

Account Name.    – Oxford Photographic Society

Account Number – 60707872

Sort Code             – 20-65-18


Please include your name as a reference.


  1. For those wishing to pay via debit or credit cards, this will be available via “stripe” using the following link under “Store”

Annual Subsciption

  1. Payment can also be made directly to the above bank account via “the high street banks”.


Confirmation of receipt will be made by email.

Remember Fully Paid up membership is a prerequisite for entering club competitions, for entering the annual exhibition, £2 attendance at band hall and joining in with special interest groups etc.

Where your renewal has not been completed by 30th September, members’ details will be deleted from the web site and their email addresses will be removed from the members’ circulation list.

Associate members and visitors will be required to pay the visitor fee, of £5, prior to the meeting.

I look forward to catching up with you at the band hall .

If any of you have any questions or would like to comment, please let me know. Also if any of you are considering not re-joining it would be good and useful to know your reasons.

Best Regards


Keith Worthington

Treasurer and Webmaster


  1. Programme Secretary vacancy

We have a full and varied programme for you this season thanks to the hard work and excellent choices by Les. Unfortunately, due to unexpected changes in Les’s work commitments he cannot continue in the role and we need someone to step forward to start the planning and booking of speakers for next season’s programme. Please do contact me or any other committee member if you are interested in taking on the role.


  1. Events photographic in Oxford

Cowley Road Carnival, Sunday 11.00-17.00, 1 September.

Cowley Road Carnival 2024: The Cowley Road Carnival in 2024 promises to be a vibrant celebration of art and culture, featuring amazing costumes, musicians, dancers, and various groups parading along the road from The Plain to Magdalen Road.


The theme for this year’s Cowley Road Carnival is “Our Nature Our Future.” This theme emphasizes a focus on environmental awareness and sustainability, aiming to engage the Oxfordshire community in a celebration that highlights the importance of protecting our natural world for future generations.


The event is celebrated for its ability to bring together the community through artistic expression, a spectacular parade, and embodying the essence of masquerade, while also contributing to the economic vitality of the Cowley Road community.


This year’s carnival will feature the iconic procession, Eco Floats, Street Parties, House Floats, and workshops for making Carnival costumes, offering a platform for participants to express their commitment to the theme and the environment.


St Giles’ Fair, 9-10 September 11.00-23.00

St Giles’ Fair 2024 will take place on Monday 09 and Tuesday 10 September, from 11.00am to 11.00pm on both days.


St Giles’ Fair is one of the greatest and most prestigious in the country. The fair dates back to 1625 when it was a parish festival to celebrate the feast of the patron saint, St Giles, and is held on the Monday and Tuesday following the first Sunday after St Giles’ Day (01 September).


Oxford Open Doors 14-15 September

Please see Oxford Preservation Trust website about Open Doors and which Oxford buildings will be opening their doors https://www.oxfordpreservation.org.uk/



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Oxford Photographic Society