- Please bring your print, or prints, for Ivor’s fundraising exhibition
- And don’t forget to pay your subscriptions for the coming season
- Start collecting your print entries – two colour, two mono-chrome – for our first print competition on 22 October
- Last week’s meeting Tues 24 September: Camera Gear with Gareth, manager of Oxford branch of the London Camera Exchange
Gareth has 20 years’ experience working in the photography industry and he is extremely knowledgeable. He came with an array of cameras from a very small Sony to the latest top of the range Nikon. He talked about the latest things in the camera market and where the market may take us.
First of all he entertained us with a very small drone which he turned on then told it to fly and follow him around the room – which is did and by voice command. The drone – a DJI Neo – is under 250 grams and though is does have to be registered to be flown it can be flown without the usual restrictions of heavier drones. It has a ‘phone-like’ camera lens and is a cheap entry into the world of drone photography.
He then showed us, and explained the pros and cons of sub-full frame cameras. Olympus, or OM System, cameras in this range are weather sealed, feature rich and perfect for outdoor photography such as wildlife. It is also very good for macro photography. Next up was the FujiFilm x-system which has knobs and dials like a film camera. To Gareth this is a fun little camera which has built in ‘pre-sets’, one is ‘Acros Red Filter’ which he loves and which produces high contrast black and white images.
Gareth then moved on to the full frame cameras. He said that Nikon, Canon and Sony are converging in terms of the technology. The Single Lens Reflex has been and gone and it is now all mirrorless. Each manufacturer will have promotional discounts so it if you’re in the market for a new mirrorless camera wait until there is a promotional discount. On the other hand, if you do not have the deep pockets then buying a DSLR with a decent lens is his best alternative.
He said there is a lot of research trying to develop a curved sensor. So far no one has come up with a workable solution. However if this proves to be feasible then it will change the market substantially as it will make it much easier to manufacture camera lenses.
Of all the cameras he had his most remarkable one was the Hasselblad 907X 100C Medium Format Digital Camera which costs a mere £ 6,729.00. He adores it. He says that it will transform the menu systems for cameras. The 907X has a menu system similar to a mobile phone and Gareth is convinced all the other manufacturers will eventually follow suit.
Gareth packed in a lot into his presentation and he certainly knows his Arri from his Bolex.
- Next Tuesday’s meeting 1 October at 19.30: Take 5
Five images from each member and scored out of five by each member present. What could possibly be better on an autumn evening?
- Upcoming meetings
Tues 8 October 19.30: Ivor’s Wildlife Photos
A must watch. Ivor will be showing his excellent portfolio of wildlife images
Tues 15 October 19.30: Tabletop Photography led by Ian Bray
A practical evening when you use your cameras and shoot anything on the tabletop you fancy having a go at. There will be continuous lights provided, background material, reflectors, diffusers and things to shoot. Bring your camera, a flash, small items to shoot, and most importantly, your photographic creativity.
Tues 22 October 19.30: Print Competition No. 1
Judge will be Peter Cox.
Tues 29 October 19.30: Inter-Club Competition, Bicester and Oxford
Competition consists of 40 images from each club. OPS members to judge Bicester images, and Bicester club members to judge OPS images
- Annual Subscriptions
Subscription details are as follows: –
- Full annual membership £55.00
- Joint membership £100.00
For those of you who are associate members because you have moved away from the area, please email me if you wish to continue. The annual cost is £30. Please note if you are an associate you can attend three meetings per year for which you will be required to pay the visitors fee. . This year’s “visitors fee” will be £5.
Early membership payment is appreciated and will be accepted now. This can be done in the following ways.
- Payment directly to the club’s bank account for online bankers is always appreciated. The details for this are:
Bank. – Barclays
Account Name. – Oxford Photographic Society
Account Number – 60707872
Sort Code – 20-65-18
Please include your name as a reference.
- For those wishing to pay via debit or credit cards, this will be available via “stripe” using the following link under “Store”
- Payment can also be made directly to the above bank account via “the high street banks”.
- Programme Secretary vacancy
We have a full and varied programme for you this season thanks to the hard work and excellent choices by Les. Unfortunately, due to unexpected changes in Les’s work commitments he cannot continue in the role and we need someone to step forward to start the planning and booking of speakers for next season’s programme. Please do contact me or any other committee member if you are interested in taking on the role.
- Events photographic in Oxford
Learn to Use a Film Camera and Develop Your Own Black and White Film at Home
Enjoy your vintage camera and cut the cost of film photography. Safe, satisfying and a lot of fun.
Sessions start at £60 for one person and £90 for 2. Mondays and Fridays
The River Studio, Salter Brothers Yard, Folly Bridge, Oxford OX1 4LB
Paul Kilsby: The Pensive Image – exhibition
These photographs, in their different ways, allude to the complex ways in which art and science co-exist, sometimes sharing a single vision while at others occupying a much more ambivalent and uncertain dialogue.
The North Wall Arts Centre
South Parade
Oxford OX2 7JN
2 October – 19 October 2024
- General photographic interest
From Elton John at the piano to Stormzy at Glastonbury and Madonna snogging Britney: 41 era-defining music photos
Icons, rock stars – and divas behaving badly: these photographs of musicians struck a chord around the world
The big picture: Consuelo Kanaga’s portrait of a young woman in the deep south, 1948
The photojournalist, a pioneer in portraiture of Black Americans, took this shot in Tennessee during the era of Jim Crow
Association of Photographers Awards – winners
The winners of the 39th Association of Photographers Awards have been announced. The awards recognise and promote professional excellence, technical ability and talent at all stages of a photographer’s career
The Life at Sea 2024 photography awards: a rare glimpse into the highs and lows of seafaring
The lives of seafarers are rarely documented, as working at sea by its very nature can be a lonely and isolating existence. The seafarers’ photography competition, run by the ITF Seafarers’ Trust, offers a glimpse into a largely unseen world; the hard labour, the camaraderie, the magnitude of the structures that stand as workplaces, and even the occasional beauty of working on ships. The annual competition, which started during the pandemic, tracks the consistent issues faced by seafarers and captures key moments and their unique impact on those working at sea. This year, Seascape’s picture editor, Joe Plimmer, was on the judging panel and has collated some of his favourite shots
Cameras in car doors and even watering cans – how the Stasi weaponised photography
We all like to assume photography and cameras are a good, positive thing in our lives, but of course, they can be used for sinister purposes too – particularly state surveillance.
Best photography exhibitions to see in 2024
One of the best ways to gain inspiration for your photography and exploring different styles is by experiencing and viewing the work of other photographers and artists. We’ve put together a selection of the best exhibitions on around the UK during 2024 to see photography; including exhibitions that present photographs alongside other disciplines.