OPS Weekly Newsletter 10 November 2024
- Please start thinking about your entries to our second Projected Digital Image competition which takes place in a month’s time
- Last week’s meeting Tues 5 November: Light Painting
This was our take on Guy Fawkes Night. It was dark, it was cold, but it was a great night playing around with light. We had birds on sticks, pulsating multi coloured light trails, the resurrection of a long dead mummy, and a badly recreation of Lewis Morley’s famous photo of Christine Keller sat on a chair. Please see a few photos of the evening.
- Next Tuesday’s meeting 12 November at 19.30: Sorrow with Dawn Rogers
Dawn Rodgers is a visual artist and photographer based in Berkshire, UK. She works with photography, archives, mythology and the ancient landscapes of Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Dorset. Her work examines her response to the sudden loss of her brother in 1993. Using mythology and landscape to tell one of the oldest stories, the story of loss.
- Upcoming meetings for 2024
Tues 19 November at 19.30: Helen and Keith will dazzle us with images of their recent trip to Zambia and Kenya
Tues 26 November at 19.30: Wildlife for all Seasons with Robert Harvey
Exciting wildlife photographs do not require overseas travel! Featuring owls, kingfishers, puffins, hares, otters, seals and deer, this talk shows how, when and where to make striking images of iconic British species in the wild.
Tues 3 December at 19.30: Intimate Landscapes with Adrain Cubitt
Intimate Landscapes: What’s it all about?
Tues 10 December at 19.30: Projected Digital Images No. 2
Our judge with be Colin Mill
Tues 17 December at 19.30: Julian Elliot Mongolia – from landscapes to eagle hunters
His talk will take us on a journey across Mongolia from the famous Steppe landscape to the eagle hunters of the Altai region in western Mongolia.
- Programme Secretary vacancy
We have a full and varied programme for you this season thanks to the hard work and excellent choices by Les. Unfortunately, due to unexpected changes in Les’s work commitments he cannot continue in the role and we need someone to step forward to start the planning and booking of speakers for next season’s programme. Please do contact me or any other committee member if you are interested in taking on the role.
- Events photographic in and around Oxford
Bettina von Zwehl: The Flood
This exhibition will feature photographs by London-based artist, Bettina von Zwehl (b. 1971). Von Zwehl’s aim is to rekindle wonder and curiosity as critical tools for exploring new ideas and practices.
Banbury Camera Club Annual Exhibition
Tue, 5 Nov 2024 10:00am Thu, 14 Nov 2024 4:00 pm
The Heseltine Gallery, Heseltine Gallery, Chenderit School, Archery Road, Middleton Cheney, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX17 2QR
The annual exhibition of Banbury Camera Club showcases a wide range of photographic styles and techniques. This year there is an exhibition within the exhibition of member Diane Berridge’s Photo Restoration Work. Something for everyone to enjoy. Prints for sale.
Visions of Psychedelics
By Eddie Jacobs and Adam Isfendiyar
Monday 25 Nov – Sunday 1 December
Opening Times
Season pop-up venue, 33-35 Little Clarendon Street Oxford
FREE, Just drop in
- General photographic interest
A twisted tale of strange sisters: Hervé Guibert’s photographs of his reclusive great-aunts in 1970s Paris
The late French writer and artist convinced his eccentric relatives to star in a gothic photo novel which is finally being published in English following renewed interest in his work
Head On portrait prize 2024 – in pictures
The winners and some of the finalists in the 2024 Head On portrait prize
From war to resilience: World Press Photo’s emerging photographers
The Joop Swart Masterclass invites emerging photographers to flourish in the field of documentary photography, photojournalism and visual storytelling
Close-up Photographer of the Year 6 announces shortlist
The Close-up Photographer of the Year competition has revealed its shortlist of images, with the final winners to be announced in January 2025. We share some of our favourite images below – macro is a great genre as it encompasses many different subjects, including wildlife.