Interested in Joining

Thank you for your interest in joining OPS. We welcome photographers regardless of experience or the equipment they use and offer a wide range of opportunities to enjoy and develop your interest in photography through our weekly meetings, special interest groups and photo-trips. If you would like to join, just come along to one of our Tuesday evening meetings. You are welcome to join or visit on a pay-as-you-go basis (£5 per evening).

See our Our History to find out more about the 120-year history of the OPS.

Our Subscription with effect from 1st September 2024 rates are:

  • Annual Subscription – £55
  • Joint Membership – £100
  • Associate Membership †  – £30

Meeting Attendance Fee

  • Visitors – £5*
  • Paid up members – £3*

First time visitors pay the visitor fee of £5 (£10 for premium events) which would be refundable against the annual membership subscription if membership is taken out during the season

OPS promises a great season – if you would like to know more take a look around the web site or contact us – we look forward to hearing from you!

If you have not found the information you were looking for on our website or just have a question, please fill out the simple form below and we will email you with everything you need to know.

Monknash Flow – Peter Warrington
Cheetah Walking into the Sunset – Dave Atkinson
Fun at the Seaside – Dave Belcher
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Oxford Photographic Society