
Hungary Our trip to Hungary was nearly 4 years in the making. We booked the trip pre covid and finally our flight was booked for the early hours of Sunday 21st July 2023. 7 OPS members were due to leave Oxford at 3am however the BA flight was postponed at the last minute.  After rearranging […]

Hungary Read More »

Last week’s meeting: The Eloquent Landscape – By Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB

Chris’s talk was a refreshing counter to those tired old camera club commandments that get trotted out on a regular basis. He torched some of them with comments such as: “There are no rules”, “A photograph doesn’t have to have a focal point”, “You can take photos on a dull and overcast day,” “Bad weather

Last week’s meeting: The Eloquent Landscape – By Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB Read More »

Last week’s meeting: My Photography with Dave Belcher, followed by members’ Show and Tell

Last week’s meeting: My Photography with Dave Belcher, followed by members’ Show and Tell   Dave started his talk with superb shots of birds: owls, gannets fighting over food, ospreys lifting off the water with a catch, Olly the cuckoo at a secret location near Guildford (first sighting of a cuckoo this season!), a magnificent

Last week’s meeting: My Photography with Dave Belcher, followed by members’ Show and Tell Read More »

Last week’s meeting: Rosebowl Competition Round 2 – Oxford PS, Leighton Buzzard PC, Woodley CC, Marlow CC.

Last week’s meeting: Rosebowl Competition Round 2 – Oxford PS, Leighton Buzzard PC, Woodley CC, Marlow CC.   Scores for the evening were:   1st           OXFORD                              255 2nd          LEIGHTON BUZZARD        240 3rd          WOODLEY                          232 4th          MARLOW                           229   Which means that, barring some catastrophe, we will be in the final of the Rosebowl. Congratulations

Last week’s meeting: Rosebowl Competition Round 2 – Oxford PS, Leighton Buzzard PC, Woodley CC, Marlow CC. Read More »

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Oxford Photographic Society